Friday, January 26, 2007

God's Perfect Timing

Angela came Thursday
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

It was a normal Thursday. We had done our chores, spent time reading the Bible together, eaten lunch. Baruch and Abram were sleeping, the piano teacher arrived and started lessons with Cob. At 4 PM Abigail and I were in the middle of making an apple pie when I heard Baruch scream upstairs. I ran up and carried him down. I checked his hernia and pushed and pushed but couldn't get it to go back in. I gave him some tylenol and rocked him and read to him. He screamed on and off until 5:00 when I called Drew. He asked me to call the Dr. and he called a baby-sitter. We left the baby-sitter and piano teacher who had finished teaching Mary and Gail by then to eat and headed to the emergency room. The Dr. pushed and wrenched on Baruch's hernia until he got it back in, then said he would schedule surgery for the next morning at 7:30. The pediatrician came and gave him the okay for surgery saying his cold sounded MUCH better. Angela (the baby-sitter who is more like one of the family) spent the night so both Drew and I along with Baruch and Abram of course were off at the break of day.

I posted a bunch of pictures below that tell the story of Baruch's surgery. I am thanking the Lord for His perfect timing in all of this. He knows what we can handle and when we can handle it. Over time Baruch's hernia popped out more and more frequently and seemed to increase in pain with each popping. The night before surgery it popped out at 10 :00 and again at 2:30 AM. The 2:30 episode lasted until 4 AM. Drew was so awesome holding Baruch and telling him stories of when Uncle Scott had his hernia surgery. I nominate Drew for "The Best Father of the Year" award for this selfless act of loving kindness.

Weighing in at 36 Pounds

Baruch at 5:30 AM getting weighed
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Drew, Baruch, Abram and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 AM. We had packed everything but the kitchen sink. Of upmost importance was Baruch's little toy train Grandma and Pa gave him for Christmas. He is attached to it and had it with him as they took him into surgery.

Surgery Gown

Baruch putting on his surgery gown
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

After Baruch put on his surgery gown a nurse told us Abram could not be in this part of the hospital. Drew took him out to the waiting room. I really enjoyed playing with Baruch while we waited. We had so much fun sending his battery operated train back and forth on a hospital clip board.

Good Friends

We had a time of prayer with Pastor Gary before the surgery
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Susan stayed in the waiting room with Abram while Drew and Gary came back for a time of prayer. I was so thankful Gary and Susan could watch Abram so both Drew and I could be there with Baruch before they took him to surgery.

Post Op

Baruch coming out of Anesthesia
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

The surgery took 50 minutes and was a great success. The Dr. said he
had a man sized hernia in his little 2 year old body. It seemed like forever that he was in and out of sleepy drowsiness. Then all at once he was awake and wanted to go potty. he een wanted to stand to go. The time flew by from then until we were on our way home.

Back Home

Baruch back home!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

We got home around noon. Baruch was really tired and since Abram was asleep Baruch and I headed up for a nap. We slept two hours. When Baruch woke up he was ready to walk about a bit then we sat and read and before long he wanted to play with his new train.

Baruch and his Thomas Engine

Baruch and his Thomas Engine
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Baruch got a Thomas Engine from the doctor. He recovered so well.
Here he is eating some peanut butter and honey sandwich and playing
with his engine.

Everyone loves Angela!

Everyone loves Angela!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Monday Monday!

What a day!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
If I look tired in this picture it is for good reason. Monday morning started off with a bang. Baruch threw up as Drew was walking out the door. He threw up all day about every 20 minutes to hour. This was mingled with Abram having 4 severe diarrhea blow outs which involved complete outfit changes. The dishwasher had been leaking on and off since Thanksgiving I think and finally was leaking too bad to use. I was really thankful it wasn't the clothes washer that was broken because I ended up doing 7 loads of wash that day. Around 4 I started giving Baruch a vinegar water concoction (1/4 C Apple cider vinegar, 1/4 C honey and 2 quarts water) one Tablespoon at a time every 25 minutes. This seemed to be the turning point for him. Before that he would beg and beg for water and then just throw it up. Whether it was just time for his stomach to be all done being sick or the concoction worked I am not sure. Either way I was thankful! When Drew walked in the door at 6:00 he had good news, a new dishwasher was being delivered in minutes. The pictures that follow complete the story.

Abigail too!

more of the DAY!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
By bed time Abigail had severe stomach cramps coming and going.

Drew the MAN!

Papa's big helper Abram!

Papa's big helper Abram!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Since I was needed to hold buckets and such Drew had a lot of extra help :-)

THEN . . . Cob lost a tooth!

THEN . . . Cob lost a tooth!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Baruch was still pasty white BUT. . .feeling better

Baruch Feeling Way BETTER!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Feeling way WAY better


Jacob and Mary in the Fort
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
The kids wasted no time converting the huge dishwasher box into a fort. Mary and Jacob are peeking out of a window they cut out. Mary hung curtains with scrap fabric.

Everyone Enjoyed the New Fort

Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Abigail even brought her bucket down to the basement with her just in case! She did end up throwing up all night long. Drew did the bucket holding for her while I TRIED to keep Baruch contented when he woke up begging for more vinegar water. And so the week started with a BANG!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Aunt Terry's Visit

We really enjoyed my sister Terry's visit. She arrived Wed. Dec. 20th in the AM after flying a red eye. She was able to hang with us until quiet time then snoozed while we rested and snoozed. Thur. we went to the River Museum, Friday she took Abigail shopping and for a one on one time, Saturday ?? (Do you remember what we did Terry, my mind is a blank) Sunday after church we had a nice lunch then Terry opened her gift Aunt Rita had sent and the gift we got for her and she of course had gifts for the kids. Monday morning came way too quickly. We left here at 4:45 AM so she could catch her flight out on time. When I got home I put the Christmas roast in and thought I would just stay awake for the day. When Abram cried I bounded up the stairs to nurse him and fell fast asleep to awaken no earlier than 8:45!! We really enjoyed having Drew's Grandma Ruth and his parents here for Christmas day. A neighbor loaned us a book which had a short play of the Christmas story a few days before which we all acted out. I trust the Lord was honored as we celebrated his birth. (to see pictures of Terry's visit click on the flickr badge)

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