Friday, January 12, 2007

Monday Monday!

What a day!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
If I look tired in this picture it is for good reason. Monday morning started off with a bang. Baruch threw up as Drew was walking out the door. He threw up all day about every 20 minutes to hour. This was mingled with Abram having 4 severe diarrhea blow outs which involved complete outfit changes. The dishwasher had been leaking on and off since Thanksgiving I think and finally was leaking too bad to use. I was really thankful it wasn't the clothes washer that was broken because I ended up doing 7 loads of wash that day. Around 4 I started giving Baruch a vinegar water concoction (1/4 C Apple cider vinegar, 1/4 C honey and 2 quarts water) one Tablespoon at a time every 25 minutes. This seemed to be the turning point for him. Before that he would beg and beg for water and then just throw it up. Whether it was just time for his stomach to be all done being sick or the concoction worked I am not sure. Either way I was thankful! When Drew walked in the door at 6:00 he had good news, a new dishwasher was being delivered in minutes. The pictures that follow complete the story.

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