20 - November, 2010
While Drew took Chloe, Baruch and Cob to visit Pa and Grandma Mary and Abi stayed here to help me take care of Abram. Poor Abram did not feel well. Abi and I ran to Aldi and Sam's Club in the AM. Got home, unloaded groceries, then I took off for a lesson on grooming Banjo. Banjo did very well. The lady who showed me how to groom had a calming effect on myself as well as Banjo. She whispered puppy and we both responded well. I learned an incredible amount! You can tell by the snapshots who had the camera :-)
21 - November, 2010
Abram was still down today and Mary's sore throat changed to a head cold. Drew stayed home with four so I could take Cob and Abi (the healthy ones) to church. I am so thankful to be memorizing a verse each week for the Crown Bible Study. I plan to meditate on last weeks verse for the rest of this month, on through December. 1 Chronicles 29:11,12 "Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone, and you are the Ruler of all mankind; your had controls power and might and it is at your discretion that men are made great and given strength" 1 Chronicles 29:11,12
Baruch is READING!! His words come slow but they come. We just read one page a day buy we read. We snuggle and laugh. I love reading.
House breaking Banjo is coming along well. Eight people muddles consistency, creating problems, eh hem. Considering this elevates our minimal success to above average, in my opinion :-)
Meet Hector, the neighbors dog that Jacob loves to dog sit and takes for regular walks.
25 - November, 2010
Instead of snapshots today please click here to see a Thanksgiving Slideshow
Drew's parents came Thursday night and spent the night! It was great to get to see them on Thanksgiving day. Drew asked them to come so we could hit some Black Friday sales. We went to Best Buy first, Menards second, then Drew dropped me off at Jo-Ann fabrics and he went back to Best Buy. I made up a list right before going to bed Thursday night. We had talked about different items Drew had seen in the Menards ad and since our computer died several weeks ago we were in the market for a new one. Best Buy's organization impressed me greatly. Menards on the other hand verged on fatal! Striking contrast indeed.