Wednesday, July 28, 2010

William Howard Hall - born 10/20/51 went home to be with his Savior on 8/7/10.

William and his wife Vicky treated me like one of their daughters. I met them shortly after moving to NC and they welcomed me into their home, family and life with true Christlike hospitality. I loved spending time with them and their two daughters. I have so many great memories of crazy times at their house. William had the greatest sense of humor. He loved to sing praises to the Lord and taught me everything I know on the guitar. He was a patient teacher (never minded when I was a fret off). He spent his life on earth bringing glory to God. Now he is forever in the place Jesus prepared for him! He no longer suffers from non hodgkins lymphoma on this earth but is in heaven were even tears do not exist! Imagine it - they don't even exist!! I sure will miss him on this side but look forward to seeing him again when, by the grace and blood of Jesus I too enter into the presence of The Savior.

His Caring Bridge journal is an awesome reflection of William, Vicky, Beverly and Angela faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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