Monday, July 12, 2010

Snapshot Summary #3

Another wonderfully busy week as a wife and mother!

Tuesday 06 - July
A package arrived from Aunt Terry. It was a slip n' slide! The weather was wonderfully hot and the kids played hard all day.

Well, they didn't all slip n' slide all day. They played in waves with various things. Cob practiced with his drum set quite a bit too. I finally got some pictures of him practicing. They also played with the tinker toys Pa and Grandma brought on Monday. They have enjoyed those immensely!

Wednesday, my sister Renee's 45th Birthday dawned beautifully. We ran to tennis lessons in the AM, talking - them talking, me praying - on the way about how to encourage the little boy, who takes every opportunity to course jest, not to. Or how to avoid being drawn into that behavior yourself, as one of the children was prone to do a couple lessons ago. We all prayed, they left, I followed, the little three following me. Then we picked up a lovely box of organic produce that was a gift from my dear friend Laura. Then we were on to the library where we did end up getting a hard copy of The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Got home, as I was preparing lunch Abi began to get nauseous. Poor thing ended up very sick with a stomach bug. When Drew got home he was feeling a bit off. Poor man ended up with a bad case of the aforesaid bug himself. Then Chloe vomited ALL NIGHT LONG, with me lying on the floor between her and Abi's bed holding the bucket between winks. I was so worn out Thursday morning I slept all day. The children just laughed when 8 PM rolled around and I said I was so glad it was time for bed. I slept all night long but still only felt a bit better. I didn't feel my old self until later in the afternoon.

Friday - 09-July
We took a short walk just to get out of the house and catch some fresh air! Baruch did a bit more than just walk.

After the walk I even had enough energy to trim the bush by our back gate. Chloe helped. She was so precious bringing branches back to the brush pile one little stick at a time.

Saturday 10 - July
We got a LOT done around the house. Cob had one mowing job.

Abigail held a "manners" class for Baruch and Abram in hopes of teaching them a thing or two. They paid $ .25 to be a part of the class, which included a tea party with treats at the conclusion of the class. They were suppose to dress up for the class. Here is the outfit Abram chose.

Sunday 11 - July
We practiced last week, Friday and Saturday in anticipation of playing a song during the worship service at our assembly Sunday. Everyone woke up eager to greet the day. It was soon apparent, however that Drew was in NO condition to be out and about. His intestinal track was WAY off. He had delivered papers with Mary's help, feeling o.k. at the outset. He went straight up to bed when he returned from the route and slept until about 10 AM! Then he and the kids enjoyed a dvd from the library.

Wind in the Willows dvd followed the book very closely. It gets a five star from our easily amused crowd.

Monday 12 - July
Chloe is constantly on the go. As I have been typing this post she took off her swimsuit (they were on the slip n' slide again) and put on Jacob's. Then she climbed on a chair and started singing Yankee Doodle Dandy. Very Sweet.


Tonya said...

so fun! do you like those drums? toby really wants to play and the size looks more my style as I think about consenting some day

Beth said...

Tonya, The drums are wonderful. The loudest volume is not so loud you can't stand it, yet if you wanted it louder you could invest in speakers. we ordered them from musician friend.

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