It seems like forever since I have had time to post anything. As you can imagine the amount of activity that goes on in this house in a day is dizzying. We have been very busy staying on "schedule" the past two weeks and with some success I might add! Glory to God! We have been blessed to see Drew's folks two weekends in a row. I have been praising God for little evidences of His Spirit at work in the children. Baruch desiring to share with Abram (not every minute of every day mind you). Abram hugging Chloe. Heidi encouraged me at a ladies meeting to make up a card for each kid to read aloud at the supper table with a personal praise written on it. I passed out cards during evening family time and the kids really lit up when they read them, or Daddy read them (for the little ones). It helped me so much during the day to be looking for the good, expecting the good, anticipating God's best as Dawnie would say. Even though I only did it twice last week it was very powerful and I am planning to do it again tomorrow.
Find a variety of photos below:
Mary and Jacob (not pictured) played at a piano festival Nov. 7th. They each played a piece form memory before a judge. Then the judge came and gave them praise and suggestions. A very positive environment, they both did very well receiving a judging of AAA (the ratings were AAA -top, AA next, A bottom).
so good...i love to find those good nuggets, especially if i recently fell into a find fault mode...thanks for that idea.
enjoyed reading the post. the card thing is a great idea. i'll have to remember that when timmy is old enough to understand.
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