Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Abi or Lucy?

Abigail has been asking to have her hair cut for quite some time.  O.kay - ever since we watched The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Saturday was her big day.  Baruch and Abram were sleeping and Mary, Jacob and Chloe went with Dad on a few errands.  First I cut it like this:

But that wasn't quite short enough, so then I cut it some more:

This was the perfect length.  Now all we had to do was wait for one of those boys to wake up and introduce them to their cousin Lucy.  Baruch woke first and fell for it for a short time.  Abram woke a half hour later and with Baruch calling her Lucy too it took him a bit longer to recognize her as Abigail.  


Tonya said...

Oh, that is so onry!! :) Cute hair! My daughter is always begging to let hers grow to the floor!! Ugh.

your friend from Iowa said...

That hair cut is absolutely adorable!! Fun story too -- sounded a bit like Uncle Ron type of behavior!!

Morgan said...

I love the hair cut and the movie!

Hello to everyone in Iowa, I guess you survived the big snow storm?

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