Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chloe Slideshow


colleen said...

so much going on in everyones world i so wish i had a car to go see your mom. :( i hope she doesn't give up i feel she needs to move out of florida. do any of you? health care here is not kind. i am going to change subjucts alot quickly for time sake. the song on chloe (Happy bIrthday,baby girl and to seth in heaven) i don't know when i will tell kellsee, will you tell chkoe? did you get the news jeanne baby #4-a twin also was born 2 months ago with downs. the song on the b-day video i think would lift her spirits she is beyond stressed and only tells lauren and i none of the "new" friends in her life know her deep enough she is taking meds, stayoing very busy with therapy for the baby and taking the boys EVERYwhere, and having ALOT of girls night outs with her other friends which i believe randy is gifting her since she never went out this much before. so i got fired for tricky little things, because i was trying to enforce some policies and procedures that had been ignored for the 10 years i was on that floor and a devil in disquise of a nurse who had me shaking and crying every shift for 2 months. wow mabye i should just call you but the two i have pop up out of nowhere and demand attention as soon as i get on the phone, i am a terrible disciplinarian.anyway could you tell me a way to get that song to randy to surprise jeanne internet wise? thanks praying for ione love col

The Horaks said...

What cute pictures!

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