Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Up with the Old Carpet

Up with the Old Carpet
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

We now have a huge area rug in the living room. It matches the carpet in the office, halls and on the stairs. All of the kids really pitched in to help get the floor decent looking. The old carpet had been down c. 20 years. The padding was stuck to the wood floor in places. There is termite damage in one area (there were termites 2 owners ago thankfully we didn't have to deal with them). The area rug covers a lot of the damage but we will eventually have to replace several boards. Right now Drew is too busy with outdoor projects. The house painting is coming slow but sure. He really wants to get the trim painted as well as finish the house before the snow flies.

Mary pulls out staples too!
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

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