Saturday, October 15, 2011

Snapshot Summary #47 E - Schoeppe Reunion in Alabama

17 - September, 2011

On the road to Alabama

18 - September, 2011
Day two of the reunion!  Two of my brother Matt's - Dawson (background) and Melvin

Henry, Uncle Tim and Baruch

Mary learns cribbage

19 - September, 2011
Day Three of the Reunion  -  Uncle Tim had donuts for earlier risers :) as a tide me over while he prepared a fantastically amazing breakfast with bacon, omelet, pancakes with syrup, I feel like I am forgetting something but you get the idea - yum, yum!!

Grandma Schoeppe reading to Chloe
Cob plays ping pong with (or against) Uncle Matt
Drew and Dawson
Jacob, ?Baruch or Abram or is that Dawson?, Jason, Chloe, Melvin underwater

1 comment:

~Lisa, Scot, & Tim said...

looks like a lot of fun was had by all. i luv traveling. of course it's easier for us than it is for you all. you really havta plan it all out. i just throw stuff in a bag and go. not much planning involved

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