14 - July, 2001
Our neighbors came over to play today. Their dog came to play with Banjo. Everyone had a fabulous time. I loved watching the dogs interact and I will tell you Banjo slept well after Lundy went home.
20 - July, 2011
We floated leisurely down the Wapsipinicon River today in our tubes, stopped at just about every sand bar we came across, enjoyed an amazing lunch and plenty of nourishing snacks ;). What an enjoyable way to spend one of the hottest days of the summer!
21 - July, 2011
Abi's Amazing Squash plant!!
22 - July, 2011
We enjoyed having Gilbert, Russel and their mommy here for a couple hours this AM. They even brought cookies!!
Gilbert and Mary
23 - July, 2011
Drew is rebuilding our rotted out cellar doors.
Baruch still enjoys catching birds bare handed!
Chloe's in her new shades
I started painting the dining room today! It is a cornflower blue. Pale with a touch of periwinkle! (I know it's not the most flattering picture of me - but I wanted you to see the beautiful color!!
24 - July, 2011
Yeah!! We see the new baby again!!
Drew really enjoyed getting know Russell's papa - Jonathan. It is so sweet to share fellowship with other like minded believers. Thanks for spurring us on Dylhoffs!
Mary and Russell
25 - July, 2011
If you come to the fair before 3:00 - you get in free. Free is our language so we were there!! It was HOT, it's always HOT on the fair free day. It was SO HOT it might have been unbearable if we hadn't shared the good time with friends. Hannah, Rachel and Elizabeth (and their mom) joined us.
Our friends took off around noon. They had been helping us look for the Marine both as a couple years ago the Marine recruiters were handing out water bottle to people who could do "X" number of pull ups OR if you were a girl hang with your chin above the bar for "X" number of minutes. Anyway we couldn't find it and I didn't know where else to look. Drew suggested one of the buildings and low and behold - there it was. Abigail has been thinking of that water bottle AND practicing her pull ups for the past month. She blew their socks off by setting the record for hanging - chin held high for 1 minute and 40 seconds!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!
26 - July, 2011
Finished paint AND started new curtains!!
29 - July, 2011
Family Time - enthusiasm lacking OR is it just bed time??
BTW - notice the three colors on the wall behind the couch. I bought little sample bottles to help me decide what to paint the living room as it is next on my project/painting list.
31 - July, 2011
We went tubing again today with the addition of Cob's new Kayak and Pa and Grandma's canoe. The river was much higher since we had that huge rainfall last week. It was a blast for the kids who weren't worried about losing someone in the current like Drew and I were :)!!
Here is Cob in his new kayak - before he lost his glasses. No really, this was taken just moments before a tree grabbed them off his face and threw them in the water - no kidding.
And here is a photo of Mary just moments AFTER losing her glasses to the rivers amazingly strong current. Here one minute, gone the next!! Wow did this turn out to be a pricey tubing trip! Seriously, two pairs in one day, in less than four hours. Thankfully Walmart was having a lens sale and their replacement cost wasn't out of this world.
At the end of the trip
Chloe changes out of her wet swimwear into her dry clothes
Abram, embarassed to be caught changing. He got his underpants up JUST in the nick of time.
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