Sunday, February 06, 2011

Snapshot Summary #29

29 - January, 2011
About 10 days ago Baruch got a nasty sliver while sliding across the dining room floor. It plunged beyond my reach and I just could not get the stinker out. As a last ditch ever to relieve him of it we took him into the dr. who numbed the area and dug out a 1/4 inch piece of pine. Baruch complained of the area hurting and I didn't think much of it as I figured the area would be sore. Then today he asked me to look at it "Is this puss mommy?" Sure enough, puss was pouring out as he squeezed from the bottom. I thought I saw something black below the surface so I pulled back the skin to get a better look when low and behold an inch and a half long piece of our floor came literally shooting out of his leg! So the question is, should we still have to pay the $234 surgery fee? Ugh!!!

I am praising the Lord it has healed nicely and doesn't show signs of infection.

30 - January, 2011

We had a lovely time attending Laura's piano recital this afternoon. She did an amazing job expressing herself through some awesome music! We were privileged to have her parents here afterward for supper. I can see where Laura gets her bubbly personality! Then the children played their competition pieces for them while Chloe talked incessantly!!

31 - January, 2011
Our piano teacher picked the children up for a master lesson with a more accomplished piano teacher. The rest of us played catch up on laundry etc.

1 - February, 2011

Sining "Happy Birthday" to Baruch after lunch!

Opening his present after supper. . .

. . .and then it started to snow!

after playing in the snow for a while. . .

Drew and the kids worked on changing my old guitar (that my friend Mary gave me way back in Florida - thanks mare) into a slide guitar. the neck on the guitar for whatever reason was way bent so our teacher recommended changing into a slide guitar. this is done by adding a nut to the ah, what would that be called? bridge, no that's not right, where's Jacob when i need him, I'm sure he would remember. anyway, you add the nut to the what's it's name, raising the strings up and use a metal slide while finger picking it. Mary has played it the most and it sound really cool. a very nice addition to our "band" if you can call it that :-)

2 - February, 2011
Mary and I woke up bright and early ready to deliver the daily paper (we are subing on our old route this week) to find our back yard a winter wonder-land! I didn't see any tracks from a vehicle and wondered if the papers would be in there usual spot. Well, I thought if they were there - they were buried in a drift of snow! I shoveld out the area the papers are usually dropped off and didn't find them so I just enjoyed the snow for a bit. The wipping wind drifted snow supper deep in some spots while leaving bare ground in others! Amazing! Beautiful! Spectacular.

Everyone had fun helping Drew shovel while Chloe and I baked bread and make homemade pizza.

5 - February, 2011
Drew's parents came to watch the little ones so Drew and I could both attend the piano competition Mary, Jacob and Abigial participated in. The judges were excellent, and overall the experience was positive for the children.

Drew's parents gave Baruch a parakeet for his birthday! It was delivered today!! He has the bird on his finger already, although I would by no means call the sweet little fellow tamed!

1 comment:

~Lisa, Scot, & Tim said...

Girl, y'all most certainly have been busy!

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