Amidst vacation packing . . .

. . .we all prepared for Abigail's Birthday. I made her the red cross nurse outfit and did get the cross on the sleeve and hat in time. We also got her a doctor kit and a book - "Nurse Nancy". The kids got her gifts along that line. It was really special. Baruch and Jacob each got her a pack of band aids. Mary got her an ace bandage wrap and a box of tic tacs to be used as meds. She loved all her gifts.

. . . and I painted the kitchen floor.
Fabulous darling! I love the color you chose! Wow! What a roomy kitchen with everything out -- could the refrigerator go on the back porch?
very lovely...tell A happy birthday from us here...
J and L, Thanks for keeping updated with our family! I am very disappointed to report that the paint on the floor looks terrible. I purchased the floor paint from Mautz Paint and followed the directions carefully. I gave the floor extra drying time painting it right before we left for vacation. I gave it two coats. It has peeled quite a bit and really looks bad. Also, the wood really hid the dirt with all of it's variety of colors whereas the paint shows every dirt spec. Maybe if you went with a brown it wouldn't. Maybe if you had time to repaint every 9 months it would keep better. Hope this helps. p.s. I would enjoy keeping up with your family if you don't mind my inviting me to view your blog. Thank you!
J and L, Thank you so much for commenting on this post. Because this blog is open for public viewing I work to not divulge our last name. I am posting your comment less the last name here.
Thank you!
Mrs. T.,
The "girls" of the Bell family are considering painting their kitchen floor, as well, and if you could respond to this comment within the next few months, that would be great, though there's no hurry:
I (Janie) would like to know how well yours has held up (ie, scratches, dents), and if a certain brand or type was used,as well as how many coats.
PS(I enjoy keeping updated with your famiy through your blog --thanks!)
Mrs. T.,
Following up on "painting the floor":
a friend used a beautiful mocha/ light chocolate brown on their wood floor, but covered it with two or three coats of polyurethane, which seems to have held up very nicely...
That may work for your kichen if you consider redoing it!
~Janie Bell
And I forgot to mention, Mrs. T., that you may want to search your last name on this blog and edit the posts that do include your full last name (there are quite a few, actually). :) ~Janie Bell
Janie, Thank you for that tip. We are going to have to do SOMETHING to the floor sooner than later and the polyurithane must be the trick! I still think the variety of colors in the natural wood hides the dirt best. Perhaps we will sand it down and put several coats of clear polyurithane on it instead. But that is another project ;) and we do have many going on at once here. Thanks again! ~Mrs. T.
Janie, Thanks for the last name info. Here I thought I was being so careful :-). At the time I started this blog there were quite a number of blogs being herassed and it was recommended to me to not use our last name. I think if someone really wanted to they could find our quick enough. I would love to view your blog if that would be possible. Thanks, Mrs. T shhhhhhhhhhh :)
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