Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chloe Walks


~Lisa, Scot, & Tim said...

How awesome! Timmy is sooooo close to walking. You know it's really going to be on now. At least you have other kids that can help keep up with her. It's just going to be me chasing after Timmy. Of course, I'm already doing that with him crawling.

~Lisa, Scot, & Tim said...

Btw, how did you do that slide show? I want to know how to do one and add music to it like you did?!

The Tribe said...

I did the slide show on my computer and then e-mailed it to my blog. Sounds crazy but by trial and error I have discovered this is the fastest way for me to upload. I know friends who create the slide show on picasa, then upload to their blog. If your computer doesn't have slide show soft ware you could try that. here's the link: http://picasaweb.google.com/

The Tribe said...

o.k. I just realized I don't know how to put music on the picasaweb slide show. do any of my other readers know how to do that?

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