Time keeps on a rollin' faster and faster! Chloe is nine months old today.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday Baking
8 loaves, 12 clover rolls, 24 buns and 2 pizza crusts. Ahhhhh! As I am typing there are only 3 clover rolls left and the pizza crusts will be consumed within the hour. We are so dependent upon food. If only I would be as dependent upon the Lord!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Baby Chicks
Our Day old chicks were supposed to arrive today. The Cedar Rapids Post Office called yesterday to say they had a box of chicks with our name on it. Cedar Rapids! I was expecting them here in Dubuque tomorrow or Tuesday. As providence would have it Drew was just getting ready to leave his parents house after a visit. (His mom is still in A LOT of pain). The kids are really enjoying picking out and naming which chicks they plan to keep as pets. Drew even selected his favorite.
Math Sheets
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Prayer Update
Five Teeth
Chloe's fifth tooth broke through on Feb 9th. I finally got a picture showing them today. You can see four clearly. The fifth is her front right. She is getting them in a funny order. I am thankful since that fifth tooth came through she's had three nights with a seven hour sleep/nurse/two hour sleep pattern!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Prayer Update
Monday, February 09, 2009
Paper Airplane
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Chloe Stands Alone
Chloe started letting go of what she pulled up on and . . .
stands alone!
for half a minute then crawls agian.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Chloe, Anna and Mary
Paul and Michelle have the cutest daughter. Drew took two pictures of her but they didn't do her justice so I am not posting them.
Baruch was so excited about his Birthday last night he couldn't fall asleep. He kept saying he felt all wiggly. We went to church this morning, then had a quick lunch and headed upstairs for naps. Baruch felt wiggly at nap time too! He did fall asleep and slept an hour but was still vry tired for his festivities. I really enjoyed having friends and family here to help celebrate.They arrived just before Baruch woke up. Baruch requested pumpkin pie so we all enjoyed that. Then he opened his gifts. And so the big Birthday came and went.
Happy Birthday Baruch
Is it possible that it was 5 years ago I was heading to Lancaster WI to have a baby, wondering if the child would be a boy or girl? Wow, time just keeps right on movin'. Happy Big Five Baruch!