Thursday, February 28, 2008
Organized Shmorganized
Our household has been overrun with the influenza virus. It began Sunday when Abigail groaned and said her stomach hurt. She went on to have a fever and throw up all day. She was still very lethargic and hardly ate anything all day Monday. Tuesday she ate a sparse but greater amount. By then the congestion had begun. She has a terrible cough, eyes watering, nose running. . .
The fever struck Drew and I on Tuesday and we are both still slightly feverish tonight. Baruch was hit Wed, Cob Wed night, Mary was her worst today I think and late this afternoon poor Abram became lethargic. He spent the majority of the day on my lap which tells you what state of affairs the house is in here. I was really happy to sit and hold him as I barley had the energy to do that!
This is the worst flu I can remember us going through. Drew and I being hit on the same day about did us both in.
We are not out of the woods yet. We sure have been thanking the Lord for our usual measure of health and looking forward to being fully restored.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Update Frequency
Eclipse of the Moon Feb 20, 2008

Eclipse of the Moon Feb 20, 2008
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Thanks to a phone call from our neighbor we were all able to enjoy watching the eclipse last night. The kids were all VERY excited. Jacob's contagious enthusiasm rubbed off on everyone!
Curious George and the pancakes

Cob and His Stack
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
We have a Curious George coloring book. At lunch today we had pancakes and Cob thought he should have his in a stack like George does in the book. Being the accommodating mother that I am we all had stacks of cakes. I EVEN let them have syrup dripping down the sides!
Baruch watches Cob sharpen his New Knife

Baruch watches Cob sharpen his new knife
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
The kids often trade things or set up little garage sales to help clean out their junk drawers. Jacob recently acquired this little pocket knife in one such trade.
Baruch Quotes
A few days before this incident he was going potty (#2) upstairs and needed me to wipe. After the flush he said "Mom don't you love the way this toilet flushes, it is so powerful! If I were a toilet I would want to be this one." I could hardly contain my laughter.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Math Work Sheet Site
It has great printable worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other sheets. I have found it an extreme time saver as Jacob constantly asks me to write out more math problems for him.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Baruch's Birthday
Mary, Baruch and Pa

Baruch's Birthday
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
An awesome ah did he call this a front end loader? or back hoe? What ever it is called he has really enjoyed playing with it.
Cake Decorating

Baruch's Birthday
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Baruch and Conner helped decorate the German Chocolate cake with some "Cars" decorations I picked up in the fall for $.50 at Wal Mart.

Baruch's Birthday
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
The night before Baruch's birthday Drew was finishing up the train tracks he made for him. We got him a remote control train to go with the tracks. I was amazed at Drew's craftsman ability!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!

Drew and Beth
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Andrew, Thank you for the surprise date. I love being married to you. ~Your Beth

Drew and Beth
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Drew always says. . .
You've got to be who you are, unless you're a jerk, then you should change.

Drew and Beth
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Andrew, I love you. Thanks for being who you are and hardly ever being a jerk :-).
Baruch, Cob, Aunt Judy holding Abram, Mary, Abi

Baruch, Cob, Aunt Judy holding Abram, Mary, Abi
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Drew called me after lunch time and said he didn't quite get enough to eat at lunch. He requested supper as soon as possible. He rarely requests ANYTHING so I was eager to prepare supper on time! I managed to get the hamburger buns in the oven by 4:35 so we would even have homemade buns with our burgers. The table was set and ready to go, including condiments and a salad. At supper Drew said he had a surprise for everyone. The questions began to fly. He refused to give any hints until the table was clear. Then he gave one or two and refused to give any more until everyone had on their pajamas and their teeth brushed. About 6:15 he said the surprise was from Wal Mart. The next hint, it was free. The children were all baffled. At this point I guessed correctly. The surprise was none other than . . . Aunt Judy (who works at Wal Mart!) Drew and I had a wonderful date night and the kids all enjoyed Aunt Judy, especially Baruch (who usually cries when we go anywhere without him)! Once again, Thank you Aunt Judy!
Thank you Aunt Judy!

Jacob, Abi, Aunt Judy, Mary
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Last weekend Aunt Judy stopped in with a present for each of the kids. She made some and purchased some blankets. They were a HUGE hit. Everyone is still snuggling in their blankets throughout the day. Thanks Aunt Judy!
Winter Viruses

Abram and the gang
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.
Since last Thursday a nasty cold has marched into our house. It began by infecting Abram, then Baruch and you know the story. Jacob is the last to succumb to the invasion and is upstairs coughing even as I type. Here, after the younger boys had their bath is everyone soaking their feet in water as "hot as they can stand it". A friend of mine told me this helps loosen flem and they enjoyed the treatment.
99.99% Chance . . . It's A Girl!
We had an ultrasound Feb. 6th. . . Our baby looks great. You can see in the picture she likes to cross her legs, but she didn't stay still very long! She moved a ton. It is so amazing to see the chambers of the heart and all the little baby parts. I am so thankful she looked healthy. Baby B is absorbing nicely. He had lengthened out quite a bit. All the kids were in the room when the technician showed us very clearly we will be having a girl. The girls were very excited. Jacob said "Well I guess she will have to go into boy training." I made the mistake of telling all the kids how Uncle Matt had me in boy training when I was little. He trained me to fight like a windmill any time he said "Popeye- Brutus". Then he would run me around him in circles passing the football to me when I was in football training. Apparently the story made a big impact on Jacob. He has already had Abigail in "training".