Sunday, September 02, 2007

Giant Tortaise

Giant Tortaise
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Ahhhhh! Drew just got done taking us through Phil 1:12-14 as is his Sunday family custom. We review the sermon we heard in the morning. Very encouraging! He has been talking about dying with Christ this past week based on John 12:20 and following. It is still coming together in my mind. I have been challenged to view my walk with the Lord through this. We had a lovely day at the Zoo between church and family! We had a "picnic" lunch on the way there. The zoo wasn't overly crowded. The animals were mostly active, except the bears which were baking in the sun. Three of the four types didn't even come out of their dens. Now I have tons of items to put away as I emptied the van when we got home. Hope you enjoy the following pictures of our trip to the zoo!


Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Little Ione

Little Ione
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Baruch looking at the Capybara (not pictured here)

Baruch looking at the Capybara (not pictured here)
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.


Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.


Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.


Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Majestic animals!

Abigail the Zoo keeper

Abigail the Zoo keeper
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Abram the Zoo keeper

Abram the Zoo keeper
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Abram getting ready for the zoo

Abram getting ready for the zoo
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

Mary and Cob at the Zoo

Mary and Cob at the Zoo
Originally uploaded by thetribetalk.

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